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Upgrade your lifestyle in a smaller space:
Tiny Homes, Home Offices, Second Homes, Downsizing Baby Boomers, Aging in Place and other tales of 21st Century Living
Why do people choose to live in smaller spaces? There are many reasons: Empty Nesters looking to simplify their lifestyles, Millenials concerned about their carbon footprint, Baby Boomers who want to stay in their homes but want less to manage and reverse migrating Suburbanites choosing to return to Urban Centers.
Whatever the reason, technology now offers advanced small space design solutions. Now, downsizing can mean living better, not smaller. Zoom-Room offers a variety of elegant small space design solutions not found anywhere else. Here's where they might come in handy:
A Home Office for Empty Nesters
Baby Boomers make up 23% of the population of the United States, and their purchasing power per capita ranks far above other demographic groups. Many have lived the American Dream, with good jobs, nice houses in the suburbs and kids who are now launched with their own careers and families. For those who decide to stay in their homes, many make some changes.
Here at Zoom-Room, the first thing many clients want is a dedicated Home Office - with space for the kids and grand kids (or aging parents, old friends and extended family) when the holidays come around. You can't blame them. With the amount of time we spend on our iPads, laptops and desktops, who wants to camp out at the dining room table? And with Junior's room sitting empty, why not put it to better use?

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2 Close view from back desk open_edited
City Line Zoom-Desk - Upper West Side of Manhattan
And, of course, there are many ways to skin a cat. For that small home office, Zoom-Room offers the Zoom-Desk. With the electronic, remote controlled Zoom-Bed hiding inside, the cabinet has a flip down secretary desk in front, perfect for your laptop, iPad or desk top. There's even room to store papers (and space for a TV or bookshelves up top). When guests come, just flip up the desk and everything is hidden. Press the button and out glides your Zoom-Bed, creating the perfect guest room for your loved ones.

Italian Murphy Bed Desk - the Dotto
We also offer our elegant line of extra slim Italian Murphy Beds. The Dotto Murphy Bed Desk has an ingenious design that allows you to keep you laptops, books and other items on the desk when you fold down the bed (the desk actually acts as one of the legs of the bed!). For the horizontal model, you may place optional bookshelves up top, and for the standard vertical model, like all our Murphy Bed solutions, various types of side cabinets are available.

Zoom-Bed Home Office in Mahogany including twin desks and humidor - Coral Gables, FL

Shaker Zoom-Bed Home Office in Alabaster Paint including desk and lateral files - Hollywood, FL
And, of course you can always get complete Custom Home Offices designed to you specific needs. We feature desks, double desks, printer pull outs, regular and lateral files, sophisticated lighting and endless storage options. Finishes include standard laminates (City Line), and upgraded textured European laminates (City Line Plus), and through our dealers, flat panel all wood cabinetry or our more traditional raised panel units.
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